Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Trashwire is giving our Denver readers a chance to see the trailer for Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen before everyone else at a special screening of the original Transformers at 7pm on Wednesday, April 29th. Yes, that’s this Wednesday. You can email this address to get a pass: [email protected] A few more details… Attendees…
All you loyal Trashwire readers have probably read Wil’s review of Observe and Report from SXSW. Well now you have a chance to form your own opinion and see the film in Denver…. FOR FREE! Screening is tonight, April 6th at 7pm at UA Denver Pavilions.
Netflix has introduced a new way of sorting films and saving preferences. The new model involves rating a giant series of keywords and categories so that their system can determine the exact type of movies you are most likely to add when you see them as suggestions. Here’s a sample of some of the new…
This film that is subtitled the “Self-Inflicted Comedy” showcases a large group of experienced and inexperienced talent. Archie (Gabriel Sunday) hates his life because he feels nothing. Archie is a movie fiend that records everything in his meaningless life. After he is asked what his class project would be for his film class he says…
This years Film Festival was bigger than ever. Although it isn’t officially over, there are still tons of movies to see. Some of which have won an award at this year’s film festival. Throughout the rest of the week badge holders can still see some of the movies at any of the theaters showcasing them.…
Trashwire is giving away FREE screening passes for the new film Sunshine Cleaning, which opens March 20. Here’s a synopsis of the film: A single mom and her slacker sister find an unexpected way to turn their lives around in the off-beat dramatic comedy Sunshine Cleaning. Directed by Christine Jeffs (Rain, Sylvia), this uplifting film…
On the heels of the post about board games becoming blockbusters, I want to acknowledge this absolute blasphemy. This has been posted all over the internet, but here’s the story from Ain’t It Cool: HitFix and Entertainment Weekly are reporting that Fox Searchlight will finance Bill Condon’s $25 million biopic RICHARD PRYOR: IS IT SOMETHING…
From Variety Universal has attached Gore Verbinski to develop “Clue,” a live-action murder mystery based on the Hasbro board game that he would direct. […] “Clue” is one of the few board games to surpass $1 billion in sales, in more than 50 markets. It was developed in England by a retired legal clerk named…
I have been a fan of the Whitest Kids U’Know since back in the day when the series was on Fuse. Trashwire even featured a piece about the evolution of tv sketch comedy focusing on WKUK as well as other sketch shows like Human Giant and the short-lived Acceptable TV. Last Monday, I capped off…