Category: New Movies

  • Hulu could be awesome

    By now I’m guessing a lot of you have heard about Hulu, the new video site which features network TV and full length movies. I posted a clip on here from Saturday Night Live with Jonah Hill that was up on Hulu. The site provides higher quality video and legit content (no user-created stuff) including…

  • SXSW Review: 21

    A special screening of the new film 21 took place at the Paramount Theater in Austin, TX as part of the SXSW Film Festival. The film is about a group of MIT students who travel to Las Vegas on weekends to count cards and win big. After the screening, members of the cast and crew…

  • SXSW Review: Año Uña

    Año Uña is a movie that definitely defies the regular rules of film because it tells the story in a sequence of 24 photographs flipped as the story progresses. This premiere seemed well suited for SXSW because the Mexican and American conflicts are definitely felt in Austin, Texas with full force. read more | digg…

  • SXSW Review: Goliath

    SXSW film festival held a special screening of Goliath, named for a cat owned by an unnamed main character who is experiencing the bad luck in life. On top of it all, he just lost his cat. read more | digg story

  • to cover SXSW 2008

    An astounding nine regional movie premieres will be taking place at this year ’s South by Southwest (SXSW) film festival in Austin, TX. The only major difference from a regular trip to the movies is that, at these screenings, there is a major opportunity to see the cast of the films and chat with them…

  • The Oscars: Why Do I Care?

    Trashwire contributor Erin Florence Dean brings us her thoughts on the Academy Awards. Whenever anyone mentions the Oscars and their sponsoring organization, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), there are two questions that run through my ever-questioning mind: What is The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and why should I…

  • CARMICHAEL & shane

    I saw this short film at the Boulder International Film Fest this past weekend and I absolutely loved it. Check it out.

  • ‘Skills Like This’ review in Denver Daily News

  • Miss Universe 1929

    Starz Denver Film Festival Review: Miss Universe 1929 is the story of Lisl Goldarbeiter, the Austrian Beauty Queen who won the title of Miss Universe in 1929. Told using archival footage from her husband Marci Tenczer, the story follows Goldarbeiter from her childhood through her eighties as she becomes a beauty queen, lives through World…

  • Jason Reitman does it again with ‘Juno’

    It should come as no surprise that Jason Reitman has made another stellar film. His first feature, Thank You For Smoking, was a satirical delight adapted from a Christopher Buckley novel and now Juno, written by the insanely talented Diablo Cody, is further proof that Reitman is a master of cynical comedy.  read more |…
