Category: News

  • Daisy is from Denver

    Daisy from Rock of Love was interviewed on Denver’s Fox31 a couple days ago because, apparently, she is from Colorado. Thanks to Eric at Brofax for the tip. View the full interview here.

  • MacBook Air or WMD?

    It seems that airport security is not quite up to speed on the latest technology. A man was recently stopped after security scanners didn’t believe his MacBook Air was a real computer. had the story: Programmer Michael Nygard travels a lot—for business, you see. He’s got his routine down to a science, from airport…

  • TRASHWIRE.COM » Hulu, the premium YouTube

    These days, there are hundreds of ways to watch videos online and sometimes it can be hard to weed out the crap from the good stuff. Sites like YouTube are polluted with poor quality videos or catch-them-while-they-last clips from your favorite TV shows. That’s where comes in. read more | digg story

  • AV Club Interview – Trey Parker & Matt Stone

    The creators of South Park discuss future projects and the making of South Park. Definitely a good read for any fan of the series. read more | digg story

  • Flight of the Conchords win a Grammy!

    You know how much I love Flight of the Conchords, so I was thrilled when they won a Grammy, even if it meant that my girl Lisa Lampanelli didn’t win. Here’s a news piece about it:

  • Arrested Develpopment film planned?

    IMDb reported this news: Actor Jason Bateman has confirmed plans are underway for a movie version of cancelled TV sitcom Arrested Development. A rumored meeting between the star and series creator Mitch Hurwitz late last year fuelled speculation a big-screen adaptation of the cult show was in the pipeline. And now the Juno star has…

  • Heath Ledger found dead

    This just in from IMDb: Actor Heath Ledger was found dead at a Manhattan apartment Tuesday afternoon in what appeared to be a possible drug-related death; he was 28. The actor was discovered in one of the SoHo apartment’s bedrooms at 3:31 p.m., when a masseuse arrived for a scheduled appointment and the residence’s housekeeper…

  • D-listers unite for ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’ on NBC

    The Celebrity Apprentice made its debut last night on NBC. The cast included some famous faces as well as individuals who could barely be called “celebrities”. In the first challenge, the teams ran hot dog carts in New York and tried to raise money for charity. *Review contains spoilers* read more | digg story

  • Trashwire rings in 2008 with new layout

    In 2002, was just a little Tripod website where my friends and I posted weird news stories. In the past five years, we have grown to become an entertainment news and pop culture commentary site, added a blog, created YouTube videos, and covered everything from Lindsay Lohan to Leopard for Mac. The site has…

  • Please tell me this isn’t true

    VH1 had this posted on their blog today: Yes, Britney Spears acts totally, effing insane. But it’s not that’s she’s crazy – it’s because she’s pregnant! Again! If this is true, it could mark the start of the apocalypse. They went on to say: According to numerous tabloids, Britney’s been lugging around baby #3 for…
