Category: Celebrities

  • 5 reasons 2009 can suck it

    Today’s the last day of 2009 and I, for one, can’t wait until it’s over. Aside from the bad economy, 2009 also brought us such unwelcome gifts as Balloon Boy, H1N1, Kanye’s VMA outburst, and celebrity deaths by the truckload. While some people are writing lists about their favorite moments of the year, I’ve compiled…

  • Whatever, Martha! sharp, funny and incredibly amusing

    When someone asks me what my favorite show is, I usually say South Park, 30 Rock or It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. While I do love those shows, there are a whole slew of other great shows, buried in the nether regions of deep cable, that I TiVo religiously but typically forget about when compiling…

  • ‘This Is It’ spectacular and bittersweet

    It’s understandable that Michael Jackson’s This Is It has become a controversial issue among fans. The film showcases Jackson’s indescribable talent and creative vision, cementing his status as the most amazing entertainer of all time, but will leave audiences with a bittersweet feeling in light of his untimely death.

  • Chris Rock’s new doc ‘Good Hair’ is both hilarious and insightful

    Chris Rock’s new documentary Good Hair began when one of his daughters came to him to ask, “Daddy, how come I don’t have good hair?” The question inspired Rock’s journey through the world of black hair, from barbershops to celebrity interviews to the largest black hair show in Atlanta.

  • Touching tribute to the King of Pop upstaged by Kanye’s award show terrorism

    Oh the VMAs! Where do I start? With the passing of Michael Jackson, I was worried that the days of precision choreography, visual feasts for the eyes and pop songs you didn’t mind hearing a zillion times on Top 40 radio were a thing of the past. Thankfully MTV seemed to subscribe to the “go…

  • Trashwire sits down with Arj Barker at Comedy Works in Denver

    Arj Barker is best known in the USA for his role as Dave on the HBO series Flight of the Conchords, but he has also been doing stand up for over a decade and has a huge following in Australia. He has an animated online series called “Arj and Poopy” that has been described as,…

  • Michael Jackson 1958 – 2009

    There is no way I can string together a sentence that can fittingly express just how much Michael Jackson meant to me or how deeply devastated I am by his death.

  • New documentary paints captivating portrait of Mike Tyson

    Director James Toback’s inventive visual style and complex mixture of original interviews, archival footage and photos combines with the captivating words from Mike Tyson himself to make Tyson one of the most fascinating portraits of a sports figure in years.

  • Scraping the bottom of the barrel with ‘I’m a Celebrity… Get Me out of Here!’

    Besides the change in temperature, crappy television also signals the beginning of the summer season where writers save their wit for the fall and actually “go to there” – there being vacation. While the smart people play the suits stray away and we end up with the American revival of I’m a Celebrity… Get Me…

  • The A-List comes out for the White House Correspondents Dinner

    Swine Flu be damned, nobody declined an invite to the White House Correspondents Association Dinner this year. This was Trashiwire’s fourth year of attending the pre-parties at “NerdProm”, as it was dubbed by the Twitterverse and this time, the crowd was overwhelming! CSPAN reported that there were over 3,000 attendees, but it felt like double…
