Category: Celebrities

  • Basketball Diaries from Planet Orange

    Occasionally, it dawns on me that a lot of people I know aren’t on Twitter and haven’t seen my frequent (and some might say incessant) updates from the last week. As a result, I’m writing this blog as a continuation of my first “Basketball Diaries” post–which has nothing to do with Jim Carroll, Leonardo DiCaprio,…

  • I Love You, Man – Incredible script creates the perfect mixola

    Never go to a guy-date movie or eat dinner with another man, only lunch or after work drinks. This is the advice that Robbie (Andy Samberg) gives his brother Peter Klaven (Paul Rudd) in the new comedy I Love You, Man.

  • The Whitest Kids U’Know come to Denver

    I have been a fan of the Whitest Kids U’Know since back in the day when the series was on Fuse. Trashwire even featured a piece about the evolution of tv sketch comedy focusing on WKUK as well as other sketch shows like Human Giant and the short-lived Acceptable TV. Last Monday, I capped off…

  • Basketball Diaries from NBA All-Star Weekend

    One big hole in Trashwire has always been the absence of a sports section. As the primary writer for the site, I’m usually too busy writing about which silicone bimbo got the boot from Rock of Love to pay much attention to the wide world of sports, but lately a few sporting events have started…

  • Ricky Gervais and Tina Fey are among Golden Globe highlights

    It seems the entire internet has exploded with Golden Globe posts. Everywhere you turn, there are best-dressed lists, photos, behind-the-scenes gossip posts, and highlight lists. Not wanting to be left out, we bring you our top 5 Golden Globe moments.

  • Rock of Love Bus: The bottomless pit of Celebreality

    Whenever I think reality tv has hit rock bottom, something new comes on that takes it to an all new low. The latest contender is Rock of Love Bus on VH1. The show follows Bret Michaels (who used to be known for being the lead singer of Poison but is now a puffy, middle aged…

  • Why does M. Night Shyamalan get to keep making movies?

    Trey Parker once sang, “Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?” and after seeing The Happening on DVD, I’m beginning to think the same thing about M. Night Shyamalan. Once the brilliant young newcomer, Shyamalan’s talent seems to have completely dissipated, leaving only ego and self-importance.

  • Gerard Way reviews ‘The Pick Up Artist 2’

    Normally, it’s a bad idea when celebrities blog. They typically have nothing to say, can’t seem to figure out the shift key, and use sentences that run on like a marathon athlete. There are, however, a few exceptions and this is certainly one of them. Trashwire has always had much love for My Chemical Romance,…

  • Starz Denver Film Festival: a cinematic paradise

    The 31st Starz Denver Film Festival is in full swing and, this year, I’ve had a very inside look at all the behind-the-scenes action. With my new job at the Denver Film Society, I’ve been able to watch this year’s fest grow from a tiny seed into a gigantic tree of cinematic enjoyment.
