Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Rodney King and Gary Busey walk into a bar… Actually, they don’t walk into a bar because they’re both patients on VH1’s Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. With so many “celebreality” shows to fill up your DVR with these days, it’s hard to get enthusiastic about just one. Still, Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew has…
All spotlights seem to be focused squarely on Tina Fey every weekend as America fervently tunes in to see her portray Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. But is this good for the Obama/Biden campaign, or simply adding more fuel to the Palin media mania sweeping the nation?
Watching the VMAs last night was, in a word, torture. The only saving grace was Russell Brand, who managed to actually be entertaining during the ignominious joke of a ceremony we were all watching. Read Pat Sue Gentry’s write-up about the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards here, or on the Trashwire Blog.
You may think Joe Rogan is a crass, misogynist, loud-mouth. You may think his act is all dick jokes or something along the lines of a revamped Andrew Dice Clay. After seeing Rogan perform at the Comedy Works in Denver last night, I can assure you that, if you do assume all those things, you’re…
Tonight could go down in trash tv history with three of the trashiest shows imaginable all hitting the airwaves. Lucky for you, you have Trashwire to recap all the train-wreck mayhem. Think of this as a triple serving of Trashwire’s special reality tv coverage. Alexis recaps the series finale of Flavor of Love 3 and…
Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie are really funny guys and very skilled musicians. Those two talents converged on Thursday night when their band, Flight of the Conchords, played Ellie Caulkins Opera House in Denver. McKenzie and Clement proved they were musical chameleons by playing a diverse setlist that featured almost all the hits from their…
I have a very dangerous addiction to MTV’s Rock the Cradle, the American Idol style show where the children of music stars compete for viewer votes. I would compare this to a drug addiction because, while it’s probably destroying my brain to watch this trash-tastic series, I just can’t stop tuning in. It’s the ultimate…
The annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in Washington D.C. can be one of the most bizarre and surreal events of the year. Where else are you going to be able to chat with Henry Kissinger and Heidi Montag in the same room? This year’s event marked the fourth time Trashwire has covered the pre-party…
Trashwire MySpace friend Anne Rakowiecki got to realize a dream when she met Johnny Depp on the Chicago set of his new film Public Enemies. Read her firsthand account and check out her pictures below. If you would have told me years, months, or even days ago that I would someday be hugging Johnny Depp…
It’s hard for me to write a review of a My Chemical Romance show without filling it with hyperbole and grand statements about how they are the greatest band ever. This is simply because they are, hands down, my favorite band of all time. After seeing them last March at Magness Arena during their giant…