Category: Quotes

  • The day the music died : Lil’ Mama’s “Lip Gloss” kills any remaining integrity in top 40

    Fresh on the heels of my post about R.Kelly and Usher’s “Same Girl”, I was looking at the iTunes Top 100 today and I was so horrified that I almost couldn’t believe my eyes. Right now, the list consists of so many horrible songs that it actually made me start to question the society we…

  • Same Girl

    I never thought R. Kelly could top “Trapped in the Closet” for the title of stupidest R&B song ever, but he’s really outdone himself this time. He and Usher have teamed up for “Same Girl”, a story that involves the two R&B horndogs talking about their girlfriends on the phone when they discover….. they’re dating…

  • We’re not gonna take it

    Hooray, it looks like many journalists have also decided they’ve had enough of Paris Hilton! Check out this clip:

  • European News bloopers

  • The Apple TV and Wii controversy

    After apparently kick-starting a war between gamers and Apple geeks on the comments for my article about the Wii, I decided to explain the actual intent of the article and to address the way I really feel about Apple. First, the “Nintendo Wii beats Apple TV” article was not about who came first in…

  • Nintendo Wii beats Apple TV –

    Someone posted a link to my YourHub article on the Wii on Now there’s a huge debate between the Apple geeks and the Nintendo geeks in the comments. It’s pretty crazy. Check it out. Just click on Digg story below read more | digg story

  • Have you read Patton Oswalt’s blog?

    Patton Oswalt has one of the best blogs on MySpace. Between his blog and Timmy Williams’ blog, you’ll be endlessly entertained. Here is a recent excerpt from a recent blog post on Patton’s blog: While I was waiting for the SUV to take me back to my car, I got waylaid by one of the…

  • “Butt-naked ho!”

    At last! Someone found a video clip of the infamous “butt-naked ho” scene from I Love New York! Thanks to Ryan who posted a link in his comment on the original post about the “butt-naked ho” incident. Finally, we can bring you this: I Love New York: "Butt Naked Ho"Uploaded by callmecarl

  • The Springer Hustle

    Here is a recent quote from The Springer Hustle, a new VH1 show that goes behind the scenes of The Jerry Springer Show. I can’t even watch the show because it’s just too horridly awful, but here’s a quote. A Springer producer recently said this when booking guests for an episode: “They’re fat and they’re…

  • Tattoo

    Watch this: Then check this out: I just saw it in the Whitest Kids’ myspace pics.
