Category: Sports

  • ‘AIR’ Gives Loving Legacy to Jordan’s Mother

    ‘AIR’ Gives Loving Legacy to Jordan’s Mother

    AIR is a very satisfying watch for fans of Jordan-era basketball, or anyone curious about how a kid from North Carolina became the icon of such an enormous brand.

  • Cliches cause pacing fumble for ‘Concussion’

    Cliches cause pacing fumble for ‘Concussion’

    ‘Concussion’ has the potential to address a controversial issue, but rather than blowing the lid off the scandal surrounding NFL head injuries, this Will Smith starrer gets sidetracked by schmaltzy cliches.

  • CBS bans porn site’s safe-for-work Super Bowl ad

    CBS bans porn site’s safe-for-work Super Bowl ad

    It’s “Big Game” time (since apparently combining the words Super and Bowl is a trademark no-no) and, like every year, we’ll be seeing a slew of new commercials gracing our flat-screens on Sunday. One commercial you won’t be seeing is a spot for, one of the internet’s largest porn tube sites. CBS reportedly rejected…

  • Chris Bosh in Tall Justice

    Coming this fall to NBA TV, a very tall cop and a very small cop team up to bring you the best buddy cop that anyone has ever seen. Chris Bosh stars as Chris Justice in Tall Justice. Tall Justice with Chris Bosh from Chris Bosh

  • Sports Smart(ass) : Golden Tate demands donuts

    When Trashwire began all those years ago, the contributors had pen names. Most were just plain silly, and some were not so safe for work. One of our earliest contributors was Dave DeHart, whose Trashwire nickname was definitely on the NSFW side. Today, Dave is back, using his real name, and bringing us his unique…

  • 5 reasons 2009 can suck it

    Today’s the last day of 2009 and I, for one, can’t wait until it’s over. Aside from the bad economy, 2009 also brought us such unwelcome gifts as Balloon Boy, H1N1, Kanye’s VMA outburst, and celebrity deaths by the truckload. While some people are writing lists about their favorite moments of the year, I’ve compiled…

  • The Tiger Woods fart conspiracy

    This video has been circulating around the web a lot these days and there’s much speculation as to whether Tiger actually farted or if it was, in fact, David Feherty. I say there’s probably an easier way to find the culprit for we all know that he who smelt it is the one who hath…

  • Steve Nash Presents SuperBADGE

    Steve Nash directed this short film starring Shaq and Alando Tucker (and Goran Dragic, Robin Lopez and Leandro Barbosa), some pretty rad wigs, and a green screen. This came out a few days ago, but I just realized I hadn’t posted it here. Definitely worth checking out

  • Lou Amundson on “Nothin’ But Net”

    If you’re like me and you couldn’t get this to load on a couple days ago, now is your chance to finally catch Lou Amundson’s segment on “Nothin’ But Net”

  • Robin Lopez and Alando Tucker review Watchmen
