Category: Internet

  • Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus

    I’m not even going to describe this, just check it out for yourself… As if the trailer itself wasn’t enough, someone put this on the YouTube comments: “I want this movie’s babies”

  • Videos from Nerdprom

    Check out some of the video clips we took from the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in Washington, D.C. this past Saturday… Steven Spielberg rolled into the White House Correspondents Assoication Dinner flanked by throngs of people all whispering “No way! Is it really him?!” Seconds later, Glenn Close entered the parties right behind him.…

  • Twitter in Real Life

    See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Thanks to Amy (AKA @DigitalRoyalty) for tweeting the link to this video

  • Shaq and Lou Amundson Love the 80s

    Everyone knows I love the Suns and, if you follow me on twitter, you know that I have a recurring theme of tying the Suns to Prince’s outstanding 80s music/movie extravaganza Purple Rain. Never could I imagine that the two things would meet in one place, but now they have… plus a little Michael Jackson,…

  • Snuggies: Warm, Comfortable, Deadly?

    Late Line Special Report – Snuggies: Warm, Comfortable, Deadly? – watch more funny videos

  • Steve Nash Presents SuperBADGE

    Steve Nash directed this short film starring Shaq and Alando Tucker (and Goran Dragic, Robin Lopez and Leandro Barbosa), some pretty rad wigs, and a green screen. This came out a few days ago, but I just realized I hadn’t posted it here. Definitely worth checking out

  • 30 Rock – Night Cheese

    I LOVED last night’s episode of 30 Rock, but this little moment was my favorite…

  • Adam Frucci Eats the World’s Largest Cheeto Over the World’s Most Expensive Keyboard

  • Tweetarded

    I don’t think flower shop experience can exactly parlay into an internship with Saturday Night Live. Megan McCain’s resume open to public forum.

  • Pineapple Express sequel? posted this today … Rogen indulged the possibility of a “Pineapple Express” sequel. “Of all the movies we’ve done, that’s the only one that I would actually like to do a sequel to and we talk about it,” Rogen told us…. As someone who LOVED that film and is a huge fan of Rogen,…
