Guess we should thank our lucky stars Tom Cruise’s voice changed.
We don’t publish enough book reviews here on Trashwire—possibly because we don’t read enough books—but E L...
“My hair could lift a car off a baby if it had to.” Can’t wait to see...
Summer is a popular time for weddings, but every couple should heed the tips from these two.
Fans of the band Creed are steadily going extinct. Meet Chad, the last of his kind, and...
The queen has been crowned (don’t worry, no spoilers here if you haven’t seen it) and we’re...
For those who didn’t know, our friends/contributors Brett Walker and Chris Coffel are making a movie and...
Freudian slips, accidental cursing, just plain awkward moments in local news.
One of our Drag Race favorites, Latrice Royale, was in Denver this weekend for Drag Nation along...
San Diego’s favorite anchor man is coming back for another round.