Category: Technology

  • Pics from Comic Con – Day 1

    Pics from Comic Con – Day 1

    My feet are aching, my hair looks like Chaka Kahn from all the humidity and body heat, and I just saw a guy in a bathrobe running down a hallway yelling, “I’m with Superman!” Must be Thursday at Comic Con in San Diego.

  • Follow our live tweets from Comic Con

    Follow our live tweets from Comic Con

    Follow @trashwire on Twitter because Alexis will be tweeting live from San Diego Comic Con! Make sure to swing back by Trashwire regularly for blog posts, pics, videos, interviews and lots of other Comic Con stuff that just won’t fit into 140 characters.

  • The Letter U with Aldous Snow

    In honor of GET HIM TO THE GREEK, opening tomorrow, here’s Russell Brand as Aldous Snow teaching kids about the letter U. “The Letter U w/ Aldous Snow” from Russell Brand

  • New trailer for MEGAMIND

    Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Johan Hill and Brad Pitt all lend their voices to the upcoming Dreamworks 3D animated film MEGAMIND… check out the trailer below.

  • Reporter circle jerk

    Because funny news bloopers account for 95% of internet videos… Reporter Circle Jerk – watch more funny videos

  • Stephen Merchant – Doc Hollywood

    Ricky Gervais’ partner in crime, quick-witted and lanky Stephen Merchant, was on The Christian O’Connell Breakfast Show on Absolute Radio in the UK. Here, he tries to come up with movie plots based on the fictional titles thrown out by listeners. Let me just say, I can’t wait to see ‘Shrubbery’.

  • J.J. Abrams’ SUPER 8 teaser

    Last night, hordes of people flocked to midnight screenings of IRON MAN2. In addition to seeing the movie, they were also treated with an exclusive teaser for J.J. Abrams’ new film ‘Super 8’. Some clever person with a camera phone uploaded the trailer to YouTube and here it is in all it’s shaky-camera-phone-bootleg glory. Who…

  • Afghanistan goes Gaga

    In what may be the most entertaining music video homage ever shot in a war zone, a group of American soldiers stationed at a military base in southwest Afghanistan star in a lip-synced version of Lady Gaga’s hit “Telephone.” From

  • Twilight : ECLIPSE trailer

    Hate it or love it, the Twilight saga is a phenomenon. Check out the trailer for the latest chapter, Eclipse:

  • Little boy rocking out to Lady GaGa

    If you think your life sucks, at least your not Timmy DeMott, whose lovely mother put this tape of him singing “Bad Romance” online to humiliate him for years to come. This video has already been viewed over 1.5 millions times, so good luck with that, Timmy. LOL!
