Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Pretty funny (although completely messed up) sketch….
Protect Insurance Companies PSA from Will Ferrell
Check out outtakes from Zachary Quinto’s Funny or Die video “Hostage: A Love Story” HOSTAGE: The Outtakes With Zachary Quinto from Zachary Quinto
Here’s a little video starring Trevor Moore from The Whitest Kids U’ Know and comedian Josh Fadem Josh and Trevor Cook! – watch more funny videos
See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
In some bizarre turn of events, we now have a news item that combines Kanye West’s ridiculous mic-hogging douchebaggery from last night’s VMAs and Hollywood “Wolf” Yates from American Gladiators. TMZ reports that Wolf had this to say about Kanye… “Hey this is Hollywood Yates or WOLF from American Gladiators. Just thought Kanye might want…
Thanks to AP, Janet Jackson’s outstanding tribute to Michael Jackson is already up online for anyone who missed it.
In honor of tomorrow’s release of 9, check out director Shane Acker’s short film of the same title.