Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Part 2 after the jump…
A reporter trying to cover fan reactions to Michael Jackson’s death was rudely interrupted by an inebriated idiot several times during his broadcast. Finally, enough is enough and he smacks the guy. I say, right on! Reporter Slaps Drunk Fan – watch more funny videos
There was simply no way I could NOT post this! Also, I like how some of the videos on YouTube are titled: Bret Michaels Beheaded
I haven’t told every single soul that I am a tracuer, so I am coming out of the closet today to tell you I am. What is a tracuer? It is a practitioner of parkour or in terms, it is the opening scene in Casino Royale and the star in the french action movie…
Thanks to Keith for showing me this!
One of my favorite videos on YouTube…
Since I posted the episode with Michael Cera, I thought it only fitting to post this one, starring Danny McBride and narrated by Jen Kirkman. Drunk History vol. 3 – Featuring Danny McBride from Danny McBride
By now we’ve all seen those ridiculous Windows ads that feature someone looking for a cheap laptop and dismissing Macs as “too cool” or “too expensive”. In what might be the best commercial parody ever, check out this parody of the “Laptop Hunters: Lauren” commercial… Laptop Hunters: Jennie – watch more funny videos
I’m not even going to describe this, just check it out for yourself… As if the trailer itself wasn’t enough, someone put this on the YouTube comments: “I want this movie’s babies”