Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
I totally stole this from Wil’s blog.
See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Thanks to Amy (AKA @DigitalRoyalty) for tweeting the link to this video
Everyone knows I love the Suns and, if you follow me on twitter, you know that I have a recurring theme of tying the Suns to Prince’s outstanding 80s music/movie extravaganza Purple Rain. Never could I imagine that the two things would meet in one place, but now they have… plus a little Michael Jackson,…
Late Line Special Report – Snuggies: Warm, Comfortable, Deadly? – watch more funny videos
I LOVED last night’s episode of 30 Rock, but this little moment was my favorite…
I don’t think flower shop experience can exactly parlay into an internship with Saturday Night Live. Megan McCain’s resume open to public forum. posted this today … Rogen indulged the possibility of a “Pineapple Express” sequel. “Of all the movies we’ve done, that’s the only one that I would actually like to do a sequel to and we talk about it,” Rogen told us…. As someone who LOVED that film and is a huge fan of Rogen,…