Category: Thoughts & Opinions Blog

  • Trashwire Hits 1000 Myspace friends!

    When I took the Trashwire Survey a while back, I said that I liked Facebook more than Myspace, but today I changed my mind. We just hit our 1,000th Myspace friend! I want to thank all the people that added us and welcome all the people that are discovering We’re working on some really…

  • Stop Bobby Trendy!

    Can someone make Bobby Trendy go away? If we look him up on Wikipedia, we see: Since the death of Anna Nicole Smith, Bobby Trendy has given numerous press interviews, including appearances on CNN, Fox News and The Howard Stern Show. In an interview with Michael Musto of the Village Voice, Trendy said: “Anna Nicole…

  • Carlos Mencia Gets Served

    Joe Rogan became my hero the other day when he went crazy on Carlos Mencia onstage at the Comedy Store. Mencia is a well-known joke thief in the comedy industry and Rogan was one comedian who had the balls to call him out on it. It was like something out of You Got Served as…

  • Whore-off

    You know it’s gotten bad when Chaotic was the best you’ve looked in years. Remember when Chaotic, Britney and Kevin’s “home movie” reality show, aired on TV and we all thought “Wow! Britney is a dumb, trashy, skank!”? Well that was only an appetizer for the skanky trash display we were about to see. Britney…

  • Andy Richter Controls the Universe

    By now, everyone knows that Fox never keeps good shows on the air for more than a couple of seasons. Some of the funniest programs to air on TV have been on the Fox network, and most have been promptly cancelled. Arrested Development was probably the most famous of these Fox casualties, but even Family…

  • Death to Spammers

    First, I want to say that I’m sorry the updates have been so few and far between this week. I’ve been really busy with real life stuff and I just haven’t had time to add anything great. On top of that, I’m still looking for some more writers to help me add some substance to…

  • Anna Nicole’s Fridge

    TMZ reported that Anna Nicole had a series of diet items and medical supplies in her fridge at the time of her death. What I like is that they wrote that the contents were “shocking on several levels”. How is that shocking on any level? She had SlimFast and methadone and that’s shocking? This is…

  • Geeks do it better

    Ok, so some of them are socially awkward, but I don’t understand what’s so wrong with the geeks on Beauty and the Geek. Yes, there are a few of them that are so far out in the geek universe that they can barely carry on a conversation with a normal person (Niels, Paio, and Matt)…

  • Can it be possible?

    I can’t be sure about this, because it would be mind-blowingly stupid, but I think I just saw this at TJ Maxx today… There was an older woman at the counter checking us out and a young girl next to her taking the size labels off the hangers and putting them into little bins. The…
