Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
On June 25th last year, millions were mourning the loss of an icon who provided entrainment and inspiration across the globe. As I wrote on that day, Michael Jackson was much more than just a celebrity, just a singer, just a dancer.
When Trashwire began all those years ago, the contributors had pen names. Most were just plain silly, and some were not so safe for work. One of our earliest contributors was Dave DeHart, whose Trashwire nickname was definitely on the NSFW side. Today, Dave is back, using his real name, and bringing us his unique…
Any filmmaker will tell you, it’s hard to please film critics. Sure, audiences might love your film, but nerdy film geeks like myself might hold it to a different standard. Impressing one critic is tough, but try impressing all three of the regular writers at Trashwire. Wil, Chris and I all had the chance to…
An exclusive preview of Predators, produced by Robert Rodriguez and directed by Nimród Antal, showed at the intimate Alamo Ritz on Friday March 12th to a packed house. The filmmakers, along with Fox Searchlight Pictures, introduced two trailers, a scene, and announced a possible July 7th theater date.
Weatherman Freaks Out – watch more funny videos
There are two points I’d like to make in this article. I’ll get to the first one right away: going to see your friend’s band is generally a bad idea. Friend’s bands are bad, especially in Nashville where everyone claims to be “with” or “in” the band. After slogging through their concert you’ll be forced…
Today’s the last day of 2009 and I, for one, can’t wait until it’s over. Aside from the bad economy, 2009 also brought us such unwelcome gifts as Balloon Boy, H1N1, Kanye’s VMA outburst, and celebrity deaths by the truckload. While some people are writing lists about their favorite moments of the year, I’ve compiled…
Here’s Mr. Garrison singing a special Christmas song from one of my favorite episodes of South Park ever, Mr. Hankey’s Christmas Classics. Watch the entire episode at South Park Studios More clips after the jump….
I totally loved this show last year and you might recall that Trashwire featured a spectacular write up by Keith Garcia about it. Well the RPDR returns in February and this time I’ll be blogging and tweeting about it. Stay tuned for more and check out a preview of season 2 below… Watch Gay Video…
With Thanksgiving just around the corner and everyone flocking back home to be with family, Trashwire brings you a new piece by Will Ables about bonding with his dad over The Boss, vodka on the rocks and all things classic rock and roll.