Category: Trashwire

  • Taking Woodstock aims for the unreachable

    Based on the trailer for Taking Woodstock, you might think it’s a comedy. Casting Demetri Martin as the lead might cement this assumption. The film may also seem like an epic biographical piece set to revolutionize the genre of setting films during the “Woodstock Era”. But, in reality, Taking Woodstock isn’t exactly either of those…

  • Audiences will fall in love with Charlyne Yi in Paper Heart

    “True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen,” is how the great French writer Francois de La Rochefoucauld summed up love. describes love as “a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.” T.S. Elliot gave his opinion on the subject at hand by stating “love is most nearly itself…

  • The Entrepreneur on Hulu

    My cousin was one of the editors on this film, so you know I had to give it mad props on Trashwire.

  • 500 Days of Summer a refreshing rom-com

    500 Days of Summer a refreshing rom-com

    This is a story about boy meets girl, but it is not a love story. This is what the narrator from the new romantic comedy, (500) Days of Summer, directed by Marc Webb and starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel, tells us at the start of the movie. The film centers around Tom Hansen (Gordon-Levitt)…

  • Whatever Works really works

    Whatever Works is the new comedy from writer/director Woody Allen. The film takes place in New York, (did you honestly think a Woody Allen movie could take place anywhere else? Fuggetaboutit!), with Larry David as the lead, Boris Yellnikoff.

  • Über funny or über gay, Brüno gets ballsy in America

    What can be said about Sasha Baron Cohen’s latest “documentary” Brüno? With bolder quips and tricks, Cohen continues what he does best in films based on characters he originated in Da Ali G Show.

  • Public Enemies shows what a summer blockbuster is supposed to be

    The year is 1933. America is in the heart of the Great Depression. Gangsters have style. The Giants are still in New York. American automobiles are tops in the world. Bank robbers are legends. This is the setting of Michael Mann’s new film, Public Enemies.

  • Trashwire updates and such

    It’s been a while since I last posted anything on this blog and I decided it was high time to update. Since we last spoke, I moved Trashwire to a new web host. As many of you (and our Twitter followers) know, I’d been more than a little displeased with the annoying downtimes of our…

  • Away We Go will outlast summer blockbusters

    Sam Mendes strikes gold again with his latest film, Away We Go, starring John Krasinski (TV’s The Office) and Maya Rudolph (Saturday Night Live) and written by Dave Eggers (upcoming script for the movie version of Where the Wild Things Are) and Vendela Vida.

  • Trashwire sits down with Arj Barker at Comedy Works in Denver

    Arj Barker is best known in the USA for his role as Dave on the HBO series Flight of the Conchords, but he has also been doing stand up for over a decade and has a huge following in Australia. He has an animated online series called “Arj and Poopy” that has been described as,…
