Category: Trashwire

  • Michael Jackson 1958 – 2009

    There is no way I can string together a sentence that can fittingly express just how much Michael Jackson meant to me or how deeply devastated I am by his death.

  • Bradley Cooper on ‘The Hangover’ and evolving comedy

    Bradley Cooper on ‘The Hangover’ and evolving comedy

    Bradley Cooper has fittingly described his new film The Hangover as “Bachelor Party meets Memento” because the comedy takes the familiar storyline of inebriated pre-matrimony adventures and flips it around with the complexity of Christopher Nolan’s acclaimed mystery. Instead of showing the drunken debauchery, the story focuses on the three main characters waking up to…

  • Scraping the bottom of the barrel with ‘I’m a Celebrity… Get Me out of Here!’

    Besides the change in temperature, crappy television also signals the beginning of the summer season where writers save their wit for the fall and actually “go to there” – there being vacation. While the smart people play the suits stray away and we end up with the American revival of I’m a Celebrity… Get Me…

  • The A-List comes out for the White House Correspondents Dinner

    Swine Flu be damned, nobody declined an invite to the White House Correspondents Association Dinner this year. This was Trashiwire’s fourth year of attending the pre-parties at “NerdProm”, as it was dubbed by the Twitterverse and this time, the crowd was overwhelming! CSPAN reported that there were over 3,000 attendees, but it felt like double…

  • Videos from Nerdprom

    Check out some of the video clips we took from the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in Washington, D.C. this past Saturday… Steven Spielberg rolled into the White House Correspondents Assoication Dinner flanked by throngs of people all whispering “No way! Is it really him?!” Seconds later, Glenn Close entered the parties right behind him.…

  • Chuck Vs. The Chopping Block: How creative television isn’t given a chance

    Chuck Vs. The Chopping Block: How creative television isn’t given a chance

    As I sit on the couch with my fiancé, sifting though bevy of reality shows and soap operas on our DVR, I wonder to myself how television has come to this. Now, I’m not saying that reality shows are the death of television, if I were I’d be one of the pallbearers who every Tuesday,…

  • See the Transformers 2 trailer before anyone else

    Trashwire is giving our Denver readers a chance to see the trailer for Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen before everyone else at a special screening of the original Transformers at 7pm on Wednesday, April 29th. Yes, that’s this Wednesday. You can email this address to get a pass: [email protected] A few more details… Attendees…

  • Amy Poehler carries the load in ‘Parks and Recreation’

    Parks and Recreation is basically a new version of The Office. There is absolutely no difference in the style, presentation, or punchline. The only real difference is that the majority of the comedy heavy-lifting is placed on Amy Poehler who has ultimately been dealt an undeveloped character.

  • Bret’s Rock of Love is…


  • Free screening of Observe and Report in Denver

    All you loyal Trashwire readers have probably read Wil’s review of Observe and Report from SXSW. Well now you have a chance to form your own opinion and see the film in Denver…. FOR FREE! Screening is tonight, April 6th at 7pm at UA Denver Pavilions.
