Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
5 things I learned about dudes from watching Super Bowl ads Posted using ShareThis
I recently published a review of Diablo Cody’s new series, United States of Tara, on Trashwire. In the review, I talked about how I tried to get into the show, but found the teenage dialogue so annoying that I just couldn’t make it through a second episode. As I was getting ready to go to…
United States of Tara suffocates on slang Posted using ShareThis
While I just can’t bring myself to write a full story about American Idol, I have been microblogging about the show on the Trashwire Twitter. You can check out my live tweets on the sidebar during the show or head on over to to follow the posts and reply. Here’s a few quotes from…
It seems the entire internet has exploded with Golden Globe posts. Everywhere you turn, there are best-dressed lists, photos, behind-the-scenes gossip posts, and highlight lists. Not wanting to be left out, we bring you our top 5 Golden Globe moments. Read the rest at
New article on Trashwire! Alexis’ review of Rock of Love Bus… Whenever I think reality tv has hit rock bottom, something new comes on that takes it to an all new low. The latest contender is Rock of Love Bus on VH1. The show follows Bret Michaels (who used to be known for being the…
Trey Parker once sang, “Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?” and after seeing The Happening on DVD, I’m beginning to think the same thing about M. Night Shyamalan. Once the brilliant young newcomer, Shyamalan’s talent seems to have completely dissipated, leaving only ego and self-importance. Like the Kanye West of cinema,…
For years now, I’ve been quite the DVD commentary enthusiast. It began with the drunken track on the Cannibal: The Musical DVD featuring intoxicatingly funny conversation from an intoxicated Trey Parker and Matt Stone. That track showed that commentaries can be genuinely “special” features… if filmmakers use them to their full potential. Read More |…
For years now, I have been quite the DVD commentary enthusiast. It all began with the infamous drunken commentary track on the Cannibal: The Musical DVD featuring intoxicatingly funny conversation from very intoxicated stars Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Dian Bachar, Jason McHugh, and Andy Kemler. That track showed that DVD commentary can be more than…