Category: Trashwire

  • Trashwire Article in the Denver Post

    My article, “What Your Wireless Network Says About You” is in today’s Central Denver YourHub on page 11. Trashwire readers might remember this article from October 2006 when it was posted on our old site. You can still check it out on Trashwire here and read it on right here.

  • Trapped in the Closet – Chapter 14

    DIGG IT or read more about Trapped in the Closet on TRASHWIRE.COM. Every day, is posting new episodes of Trapped in the Closet. While I don’t have time to cover them all, I’m going to try to keep up with R.Kelly’s Jerry-Springer-like saga here on the blog. The latest chapter can be found here:…

  • The Death of Daxflame? 🙁

    Nooooooo!! Apparently this is the last video for youtube star Daxflame. If this is true you will never again get a chance to see him in his short pants, suit combo. 6 Hours ago from this post was when Daxflame made his exit from his youtube channel, although it still is not deleted at all…

  • ‘Hot Rod’ brings The Lonely Island to the big screen

    Hot Rod marks the feature film debut from Andy Samber, Jorma Taccone, and Akiva Schaffer of The Lonely Island. Being a big TLI fan, I had huge expectations for this sports comedy. Read more | Digg it!

  • Celebrity Jeopardy is back?

    I had to absolutely blog about celebrity jeopardy. Not only was it made iconic by Saturday Night Live and Will Ferrell, but it can be very entertaining. (Props to irishred1784) The players for today’s episode are James Denton who plays the plumber from Desperate Housewives, Neil Patrick Harris-NPH! From Harold and Kumar fame and his…

  • Updates to Transformers review

    I finally saw Transformers, so I made some updates to Wil’s great review. Now you can check out the review, watch the trailer for the film, and even see a clip from the 1986 animated movie, all from the comforts of Trashwire. We’ve even got a link to the first episode of the animated tv…

  • Transformers is less than meets the eye

    New article by Wil up now on Transformers is actually less than meets they eye by Wil Chinchilla July 20, 2007 Those of you who were fans of the animated series could end up just as disappointed as I was by Michael Bay’s live-action version of Transformers. It wasn’t necessarily a bad film but…

  • “Lip Gloss” article in the Denver Post

    My article about Lil’ Mama’s “Lip Gloss” is in today’s Central Denver YourHub section of The Denver Post. But wait, there’s more! YourHub isn’t just for home-delivery anymore! Now you can now pick up a free copy of the YourHub print edition in over 700 locations all around Denver. For a complete list of locations,…

  • Black Spock dances to “Torture” by The Jacksons

    1984 video of Black Spock break dancing to “Torture” by The Jacksons. This might be one of the weirdest things you’ll ever see. read more | digg story

  • Trashwire covers ‘Big Brother 8’

    Years ago, CBS debuted a new reality series called Big Brother. Back then, the cast was older, the show was more interactive, high-speed internet access was rare, and the live-feeds were tiny, grainy images of a chicken coop for most of the day. Since then, the show has evolved into my favorite summer guilty pleasure…
