Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Clive and Jasmine and the Duckling Stomping by Greg Garner They’re back! Clive and Jasmine return in this new episode of the popular Trashwire series and this time they’re facing what they fear most. Click HERE to read it.
Denver Film Festival Review: F*ck by Alexis Gentry This new documentary examines the complex history, variety of uses, and the controversy surrounding one of the world’s most infamous words. Visit to check it out.
Alexis just added two more reviews from the Denver Film Festival. You can see them on the main page here or you can read each one by clicking the links below. Who Loves the Sun Will Morrison and Daniel Bloom were the best of friends. They grew up together. Went to the same schools. Liked…
We know it’s been a long time, but was just updated with a brand new review of Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny. Alexis got to see the film at the Denver Film Festival and wrote up a quick review here.
When George Lucas decided to revive the Star Wars saga, it was his goal to give fans a back-story of how exactly Anakin Skywalker transformed into Darth Vader. We knew how the story ended, but he wanted to show everyone how it began. Unfortunately for Lucas, the new Star Wars trilogy was, by most accounts,…
Trashwire was just updated with a new item by Jason Mogavero about conservative film critic Stephen Hunter. Jason disagrees with Hunter’s claim that the masculine hero is dead, and he basically calls Hunter a turd. Check it out by clicking here or go to to read it.
I didn’t think about it at the time that I took the survey, but My Super Sweet 16 might be the worst trashy reality show. That and MTV’s other classic, Parental Control. My Super Sweet Sixteen should be called “If Pro-life Ruled the World” becuase all these spoiled bitchy oblivious brats should have been aborted.…
You can also view this item herevia the Trashwire main site. Hal Sparks just wrapped up a successful three-night run at the Comedy Works in Denver where he touched on topics like wanting your own theme music, being afraid of a plastic bag on the freeway, and his experience as a stealth paintball assassin. In…
We have just started a brand new Trashwire blog. This time, it’s not via Blogger or another blogging site, it’s actually right here on Trashwire. Look for shorter items, opinions, reviews, and comments here. We’ll also be posting our regular articles here so that you can comment on them. If you’re having problems with this…
In these days of broadband internet, wireless networks are more and more common as people look for ways to connect on-the-go. Nearly every laptop these days has a built in wireless card and most of us probably use wireless networks around our house, the office, or at school. When setting up a network , most…