Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Chances are you saw some of the huge movies that topped the box office last year, but here are a few amazing award-worthy movies you probably missed in 2019. Now that we’re all staying home and streaming more, give these great flicks a watch.
Trashwire is a member of the Denver Film Critics Society, which means we get the privilege of collaborating with our fellow Denver-area film nerds to nominate and select our favorite films of the year. Did your favorites make the list?
Captain Marvel is here! And accompanying her are dudes complaining about feminism, social commentators applauding representation, and a multi-billion-dollar franchise that turned Disney into the overlord of entertainment. So, great conditions to enjoy a popcorn superhero movie, right?
‘The Umbrella Academy’ is a character-driven family drama about superheroes in a sea of action-driven epics, and that makes it a tremendously satisfying watch that hooks you from the start and keeps you engaged through the end credits of the final episode.
Check out which films won this year’s Denver Film Critics Society honors.
The Denver Film Critics Society has released the list of this year’s nominated films! Keep an eye out for the winners on Jan. 14. Best Picture “Roma” “First Man” “BlacKkKlansman” “First Reformed” “The Favourite” Best Director Alfonso Cuaron, “Roma” Spike Lee, “BlacKkKlansman” Ryan Coogler, “Black Panther” Paul Schraeder, “First Reformed” Yorgos Lanthimos, “The Favourite” Best…
This year, we saw some pretty crappy “fan” behavior, from Rick and Morty fans storming McDonald’s for dipping sauce to Star Wars fans claiming The Last Jedi ruined their childhoods. Was it always like this, or were fans of 2017 just way, way too passionate about pop culture?
With ‘The Disaster Artist’, James Franco seeks to give us a little glimpse into the completely insane world of Tommy Wiseau—and it is fascinating!
‘Jackie’ provides an extremely layered look at a largely unexplored perspective of one of the most analyzed events in US history. Portman’s well-studied portrayal shows us Jackie Kennedy’s isolation, coming at a time which the history books have always held up for its unity.