Category: Television

  • Bret Michaels knocked in the head at the Tony’s

    There was simply no way I could NOT post this! Also, I like how some of the videos on YouTube are titled: Bret Michaels Beheaded

  • Scraping the bottom of the barrel with ‘I’m a Celebrity… Get Me out of Here!’

    Besides the change in temperature, crappy television also signals the beginning of the summer season where writers save their wit for the fall and actually “go to there” – there being vacation. While the smart people play the suits stray away and we end up with the American revival of I’m a Celebrity… Get Me…

  • Laptop Hunters: Jennie

    By now we’ve all seen those ridiculous Windows ads that feature someone looking for a cheap laptop and dismissing Macs as “too cool” or “too expensive”. In what might be the best commercial parody ever, check out this parody of the “Laptop Hunters: Lauren” commercial… Laptop Hunters: Jennie – watch more funny videos

  • Chuck Vs. The Chopping Block: How creative television isn’t given a chance

    Chuck Vs. The Chopping Block: How creative television isn’t given a chance

    As I sit on the couch with my fiancé, sifting though bevy of reality shows and soap operas on our DVR, I wonder to myself how television has come to this. Now, I’m not saying that reality shows are the death of television, if I were I’d be one of the pallbearers who every Tuesday,…

  • 30 Rock – Night Cheese

    I LOVED last night’s episode of 30 Rock, but this little moment was my favorite…

  • Amy Poehler carries the load in ‘Parks and Recreation’

    Parks and Recreation is basically a new version of The Office. There is absolutely no difference in the style, presentation, or punchline. The only real difference is that the majority of the comedy heavy-lifting is placed on Amy Poehler who has ultimately been dealt an undeveloped character.

  • Young dudes compete for The Cougar

    TV Land’s new series The Cougar is more along the lines of “classy” reality dating shows like The Bachelor or, most recently, Mama’s Boys instead of deliciously trashy VH1 Rock of Love-style trainwrecks. The show, hosted by Vivica Fox, follows Stacey Anderson, a self-proclaimed “cougar” who is looking to find love with a younger man.

  • Do you like fishsticks?

    I was planning on writing a blog post about last night’s “Fishsticks” episode of South Park, but the ever-so-clever Michael K from DListed has beat me to the punch. Here’s a quick bite: The words “gay” and “fish” usually cancel each other out, but Matt & Trey made it work on South Park last night.…

  • Internet and email tips from Reno 911!

    Super funny, but also NSFW. RENO 911! Weds 10:30p/9:30c Workin’ It – Internet and E-Mail Joe Lo Truglio Funny Cop Videos

  • Tweetarded

    Due to twessages coming in from every direction I will do my best to find the most tweetarded conversations taking place in the celebrity tweets. Welcome to the most Tweetarded convo ever between Tila Tequila and Megan McCain? Ummm I thought your dad hated the gays, bisexuals, and transgendered people of the world. How would…
