Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Normally, it’s a bad idea when celebrities blog. They typically have nothing to say, can’t seem to figure out the shift key, and use sentences that run on like a marathon athlete. There are, however, a few exceptions and this is certainly one of them. Trashwire has always had much love for My Chemical Romance,…
Normally, it’s a bad idea when celebrities blog. They typically have nothing to say, can’t seem to figure out the shift key, and use sentences that run on like a marathon athlete. There are, however, a few exceptions and this is certainly one of them. I know Trashwire always has much love for My Chemical…
Rodney King and Gary Busey walk into a bar… Actually, they don’t walk into a bar because they’re both patients on VH1’s Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. Yes, this new season brings us another cadre of dysfunctional celebrities trying to get sober, or rather, to get more screen time. The patient list includes Busey, King,…
Rodney King and Gary Busey walk into a bar… Actually, they don’t walk into a bar because they’re both patients on VH1’s Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. With so many “celebreality” shows to fill up your DVR with these days, it’s hard to get enthusiastic about just one. Still, Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew has…
All spotlights seem to be focused squarely on Tina Fey every weekend as America fervently tunes in to see her portray Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. But is this good for the Obama/Biden campaign, or simply adding more fuel to the Palin media mania sweeping the nation?
Watching the VMAs last night was, in a word, torture. The only saving grace was Russell Brand, who managed to actually be entertaining during the ignominious joke of a ceremony we were all watching. Read Pat Sue Gentry’s write-up about the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards here, or on the Trashwire Blog.
Trashwire’s own Pat Sue Gentry shares her thoughts on the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards… Watching the VMAs last night was, in a word, torture. The only saving grace was Russell Brand, who managed to actually be entertaining during the ignominious joke of a ceremony we were all watching. At times it was more like…
From Perez Hilton… This should come as no surprise! Brett Michaels and that chick who won Rock Of Love 2 have broken up. And, as that news “breaks”, Vh1 has announced that it is bringing the reality show back for a 3rd season. At this point, does anybody still care????
Trashwire will continue coverage of Big Brother 10 this season in our special BB section at More to come…
Diana Glaizer is absolutely obsessed with fashion! As Trashwire’s newest guest contributor, she will be keeping you informed of all the latest and greatest trends from the fashion universe. Read Diana’s latest contribution about the fashion in the new Sex and the City movie. read more | digg story