Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Can someone make Bobby Trendy go away? If we look him up on Wikipedia, we see: Since the death of Anna Nicole Smith, Bobby Trendy has given numerous press interviews, including appearances on CNN, Fox News and The Howard Stern Show. In an interview with Michael Musto of the Village Voice, Trendy said: “Anna Nicole…
Here is a video of Anna Nicole Smith’s toothless cousin Shelly puking in a bucket during an interview. Who wouldn’t want to hang out with her?
Yesterday, the world of bad movies lost a major player when buxom blonde b-movie bombshell Anna Nicole Smith passed away in her hotel room in Florida. She will be remembered by Trashwire, not only for her performance in bad movie classics like the infamous Skyscraper, but also for her classic trashy reality show The Anna…
Can it be? Is our favorite bad movie star really dead? This just in from Anna Nicole Smith dies after collapsing in a hotel CNN) — Reality TV star and former model Anna Nicole Smith was pronounced dead Thursday after being taken to a Florida hospital, a law enforcement source told CNN. Smith, 39,…
Ok, so some of them are socially awkward, but I don’t understand what’s so wrong with the geeks on Beauty and the Geek. Yes, there are a few of them that are so far out in the geek universe that they can barely carry on a conversation with a normal person (Niels, Paio, and Matt)…
I’ve never been so horrified by television in my entire life. On tonight’s episode of I Love New York, the arrogance level was cranked up to eleven like something out of Spinal Tap. Not only did we have to hear delusional ranting from New York and her horrible mother, but they were joined by special…
This has been reposted from our TrashwireTV Blog On this week’s Surreal Life tensions ran high as the lines between the a-list and the b-list became clearer. Right off, Traci Bingham was annoying the living hell out of me. The challenge involved tennis, but because Traci is now on the b-list, she wasn’t allowed to…
It was bound to happen folks, someone I know was on The Real World! I figured it was only a matter of time what with the show being in Denver and me knowing so many alcoholic twentysomethings. This time, it was a girl named Tess, who I went to high school with. It seems that…
Greg pointed this out to me a little while ago. It’s a very drunk Paula Abdul trying to do an interview with a local news team in Seattle. I’m beginning the Countdown to Paula Abdul’s Rehab today.
America’s favorite talent show returned tonight on Fox. Yes, Seacrest and the gang were back for another round of American Idol. You may wonder what they can do to possibly top the pervious seasons, but every year they promise to raise the bar once again. I’m sure we all agree that the most enjoyable episodes…