Category: Reality TV

  • Rock the Cradle finale airs tonight

    Just a reminder, the season finale of Rock the Cradle airs tonight on MTV. Who will win? Will it be the talented (but boring) Corsby Loggins? The quirky and dark Chloe Lattanzi? Or the ab-tastic Jesse Blaze Snider? Find out at 10pm ET on MTV.

  • Rock the Cradle is like heroin

    I have a very dangerous addiction to MTV’s Rock the Cradle, the American Idol style show where the children of music stars compete for viewer votes. I would compare this to a drug addiction because, while it’s probably destroying my brain to watch this trash-tastic series, I just can’t stop tuning in. It’s the ultimate…

  • Super Hills Me

    In this hilarious video from The Soup, host Joel McHale takes on Morgan Spurlock’s Supersize Me by trying to watch The Hills for 30 days straight. Can he make it?

  • Pop culture meets politics at the WHCAD 2008

    The annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in Washington D.C. can be one of the most bizarre and surreal events of the year. Where else are you going to be able to chat with Henry Kissinger and Heidi Montag in the same room? read more | digg story

  • My Chemical Romance : Rock Superheroes

    It’s hard for me to write a review of a My Chemical Romance show without filling it with hyperbole and grand statements about how they are the greatest band ever. After seeing them last March at Magness Arena during their giant tour supporting The Black Parade, I was beyond excited to get another chance to…

  • Daisy is from Denver

    Daisy from Rock of Love was interviewed on Denver’s Fox31 a couple days ago because, apparently, she is from Colorado. Thanks to Eric at Brofax for the tip. View the full interview here.

  • Bret Michaels without his bandanna

    This is as rare as a total eclipse, so I had to document it. Bret Michaels removed his man-danna on Rock of Love the other day and the internet is already buzzing about his “hair”. UPDATE: We wish Bret a speedy recovery. He’s provided us with hours of great reality TV, from Rock of Love…

  • TRASHWIRE.COM » Hulu, the premium YouTube

    These days, there are hundreds of ways to watch videos online and sometimes it can be hard to weed out the crap from the good stuff. Sites like YouTube are polluted with poor quality videos or catch-them-while-they-last clips from your favorite TV shows. That’s where comes in. read more | digg story

  • Hulu could be awesome

    By now I’m guessing a lot of you have heard about Hulu, the new video site which features network TV and full length movies. I posted a clip on here from Saturday Night Live with Jonah Hill that was up on Hulu. The site provides higher quality video and legit content (no user-created stuff) including…

  • Saaphyri’s Lip Chap

    Remember Saaphyri from Flavor of Love and Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School? She was the one who punched a girl in the face during the bed claiming in the first five minutes in the house and then offered her some “lip chap” after the beating. Well now she has her own brand of “lip…
