Here is a video of Anna Nicole Smith’s toothless cousin Shelly puking in a bucket during an...
Remember when Chaotic, Britney and Kevin’s “home movie” reality show, aired...
Joe Rogan became my hero the other day when he went crazy on Carlos Mencia onstage at...
Way back in 1999, there was a show on MTV called 25 Lame. It featured comedians Jon...
This one is for Journey’s “Separate Ways” MC Hammer’s “Too Legit to Quit” Hall & Oates video...
I almost forgot my favorite bad video on the countdown… and possibly the true #1 worst video...
The list of Anna Nicole conspiracy theories is growing faster than the list of potential fathers in...
You know it’s gotten bad when Chaotic was the best you’ve looked in years. Remember when Chaotic,...
By now, everyone knows that Fox never keeps good shows on the air for more than a...
First, I want to say that I’m sorry the updates have been so few and far between...