The new Netflix comedy-drama series Orange Is The New Black held me prisoner for two days as...
This year’s San Diego Comic Con was a blast. From costumed fans to celebrity guests, the con...
Whether it’s the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner pre-parties, San Diego Comic Con or just a random...
With hundreds of panels and 130,000 attendees, San Diego Comic Con is arguably the biggest fan event...
Every year, I go to Comic Con for Trashwire to cover the event, from the cosplayers to...
Trashwire is in the hizzouse (yes, I realize how ridiculous and dated that sounds) for San Diego...
In celebration of the upcoming release of Oblivion on Blu-ray, here is a new image of a...
The first trailer for The Canyons has arrived. The film stars Lindsay Lohan and porn star James...
Synopsis: Lake Bell stars in ‘In a World…’, a romantic comedy about a struggling vocal coach who...
Gerard Way is far beyond a simplistic lyricist, he is a storyteller. The first issue of The...