If Madonna thought Rita Hayworth “gave good face”, I can only imagine her reaction to Angelina Jolie...
action movies
If The Expendables starred actors who were actually known for their acting abilities instead of their muscles,...
It’s too bad The Expendables isn’t billed as a comedy, because it’s one of the funniest movies...
Evelyn Salt is CIA. Or she’s a Russian spy. Or she’s an American spy. Or she’s some...
The Predator franchise was slipping down the slope of ridiculousness and on it’s way to Mega Shark...
Jonah Hex is most certainly a movie… and as much as I wish I could end my...
As we learned from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, every great gang is comprised of The Brains,...
There’s no question that Iron Man 2 will be a huge hit, in fact, many have predicted...