Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
The new documentary ¡Casa Bonita Mi Amor! takes viewers inside Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s renovation nightmare and gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the South Park creators’ restoration of the iconic Denver Mexican restaurant.
South Park is back for its 26th season and creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone continue their hilarious stories for Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny with the premiere episode, “Cupid Ye”. While the show may now be over a quarter century old, it’s fresh and as topical as ever.
Chances are, most of you know I’m kind of a film nerd. In my nerdy travels, I worked at the Colorado Film Commission, where I met Ben Martinez. Now he and friends Dave Franco and Kris Simms have made a movie—and based on this trailer it looks like a good one! Check out the trailer…
We just got in this press release about a Justin Bieber singing contest in Colorado. While this might not be my cup of tea, I’m sure there are a zillion Colorado girls who would die to go to the premiere of the Justin Bieber movie in LA.
Eric Stough is not Trey Parker’s little brother, though many people believe he is because he looks and behaves like the sweeter, younger version of the South Park co-creator. In fact, Stough, the inspiration for the Butters character, has been close friends with Parker since middle school and is, in many ways, the fifth Beatle…
Toofy Film Fest is a fun mix of fashion, music, art and film. The festival includes fashion shows, live music performances, and two days of film screening at the Boulder Theater. The films at Toofy are a refreshing break from the big-budget blockbusters that are in theaters during the summer.