I was planning on writing a blog post about last night’s “Fishsticks” episode of South Park, but...
All you loyal Trashwire readers have probably read Wil’s review of Observe and Report from SXSW. Well...
Super funny, but also NSFW. RENO 911! Weds 10:30p/9:30c Workin’ It – Internet and E-Mail comedycentral.com Joe...
If you haven’t seen this yet, it’s definitely worth checking out. Bedford 201 – watch more funny...
Best Movie Trailer Spoof – Find competitions at ibeatyou
I am a full-fledged twitter addict, but this is still pretty funny. "Twouble with Twitter" sous-titréUploaded by...
I’m a huge fan of Michael Cera. His online series with friend Clark Duke at clarkandmichael.com is...
Rape, balls, and a small penis are used for comedic purposes in telling the story of security...
Never go to a guy-date movie or eat dinner with another man, only lunch or after work...
On the heels of the post about board games becoming blockbusters, I want to acknowledge this absolute...