In a combination of body horror, biting humor, and beautiful visuals, The Substance delivers one of the...
The new documentary ¡Casa Bonita Mi Amor! takes viewers inside Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s renovation nightmare...
Because we live in an era of reboots and lega-sequels where nothing is sacred, everyone knew we’d...
On the latest, Whatcha Watchin, Alexis is joined by Angus Truskett from Hey Fam to talk about...
Will 'Deadpool & Wolverine' be able to overcome the MCU slump and ride an R-rating to boxoffice...
Alexis is joined by Andrew Levins from the Hey Fam podcast to chat about Nag Ashwin's Pan-Indian...
Whatcha Watchin’ has been on a hiatus while I focus on mini-reviews but the podcast has returned...
In Mike Cheslik's Hundreds of Beavers, a 19th-century applejack salesman battles beavers in a mashup of silent-era...
Is Ryan Gosling charming enough to turn the action movie remake of a 1980s TV show into...
Netflix's new limited series Baby Reindeer is a raw, emotional, sometimes funny, sometimes terrifying, sometimes heart-wrenching story...