Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Chances are you saw some of the huge movies that topped the box office last year, but here are a few amazing award-worthy movies you probably missed in 2019. Now that we’re all staying home and streaming more, give these great flicks a watch.
Trashwire is a member of the Denver Film Critics Society, which means we get the privilege of collaborating with our fellow Denver-area film nerds to nominate and select our favorite films of the year. Did your favorites make the list?
On the heels of the post about board games becoming blockbusters, I want to acknowledge this absolute blasphemy. This has been posted all over the internet, but here’s the story from Ain’t It Cool: HitFix and Entertainment Weekly are reporting that Fox Searchlight will finance Bill Condon’s $25 million biopic RICHARD PRYOR: IS IT SOMETHING…