Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Alexis and Kim take a trip to Asteroid City and discuss Wes Anderson as an auteur, why a memorable visual style is so important, and how an enormous cast of powerhouse players can each stand out in an ensemble.
Asteroid City is Wes Anderson at his most Wes Anderson: meticulously executed, beautifully shot, and a genuinely pleasurable watching experience.
I never thought we’d get a Clue-like murder mystery comedy in today’s world of CGI explosions and quips, but Rian Johnson delivered a fantastic, quotable film with high rewatchability and solid laughs.
When the primary antagonist of your movie is a literal talking douche, it’s fair to say that you’re not aiming for intelligent humor. Sadly, Sausage Party feels like a weak attempt to create an edgy animated satire, only aiming for the lowest-hanging comedy fruit and missing the chance to live up to its inventive concept.