Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
With twists and turns, absurdity, heart, and appearances from Pedro Pascal, Matt Damon, and Miley Cyrus, Drive-Away Dolls is the type of small, one-off comedy that you rarely see in multiplexes these days.
This Christmas Ethan and Joel Coen, the award winning sibling directing and writing team behind such classics as No Country For Old Men and The Big Lebowski, take their first crack at the western genre with their adaptation of the Charles Portis novel, True Grit.
Let me start this review off by letting you know up front it will be pretty biased. I absolutely love the Coen Brothers. They are by far my favorite directors and can do no wrong in my eyes (I was even able to find enjoyment in The Ladykillers!). Seriously though, all biased opinions aside, their…
The tag line for the star-studded Coen Brothers film ‘Burn After Reading’ is “intelligence is relative”. Certainly that statement is very fitting for this smart film about stupid people. Like a warped version of ‘The Man Who Knew Too Little’ meets ‘The Big Lebowski’, the film retains all the unique characters and plot twists of…