'The Umbrella Academy' is a character-driven family drama about superheroes in a sea of action-driven epics, and...
Gerard Way
Gerard Way is far beyond a simplistic lyricist, he is a storyteller. The first issue of The...
Press Release From Dark Horse: MILWAUKIE, OR, DECEMBER 17—In 2009, when Dark Horse first announced a new...
We’re back! Trashwire has made the annual pilgrimage to San Diego for Comic Con and we’re taking pictures, recording...
Perhaps the most overused word when describing fans is “passionate”, but that is the best way to...
Macy Gray did her own version of “Teenagers” from The Black Parade. She changed around a few...
My Chemical Romance teamed up with MASScanvas to let fans design T-shirts that will benefit the Make-A-Wish...
We’re doing Comic Con recaps here, but the Comic Con coverage runneth over on our blog. Today,...
Some of our Trashwire readers might not be as infatuated with Gerard and Mikey Way as we...