Every year, movies and TV shows bring exclusive content to San Diego Comic Con to generate a buzz for upcoming projects. This year, we got several new trailers, including this one for Sin City:...
Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy has the best qualities of comic book adaptations. After a shaky cinematic history, Gotham’s Dark Knight finally gets the respect he deserves with Nolan’s three films: Batman Begins, The Dark...
Typically, when the main character of a film is dying of cancer, you can’t expect a lot of laughs in the script. That’s not the case with 50/50, which combines comedy and drama in...
Note: I write this top 10 list without seeing many of the films from 2010 that I would’ve liked to see it. So if you’re wondering why films like The Fighter or Black Swan...
It’s that time of year again! Time for every film blogger on the internet to put out a top 10 list. We’ve whipped up a list of our own with some of our favorite...
Acclaimed British director Christopher Nolan, of films such as The Dark Knight and Memento, is back again this summer with Inception. Inception takes viewers on a ride from dreams to reality to dreams to...
This is a story about boy meets girl, but it is not a love story. This is what the narrator from the new romantic comedy, (500) Days of Summer, directed by Marc Webb and...