Tag: Kanye West

  • ‘South Park’ Kicks Off Season 26 Covering Kanye Controversy

    ‘South Park’ Kicks Off Season 26 Covering Kanye Controversy

    South Park is back for its 26th season and creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone continue their hilarious stories for Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny with the premiere episode, “Cupid Ye”. While the show may now be over a quarter century old, it’s fresh and as topical as ever.

  • Touching tribute to the King of Pop upstaged by Kanye’s award show terrorism

    Oh the VMAs! Where do I start? With the passing of Michael Jackson, I was worried that the days of precision choreography, visual feasts for the eyes and pop songs you didn’t mind hearing a zillion times on Top 40 radio were a thing of the past. Thankfully MTV seemed to subscribe to the “go…

  • Wolf from American Gladiators has some words for Kanye

    In some bizarre turn of events, we now have a news item that combines Kanye West’s ridiculous mic-hogging douchebaggery from last night’s VMAs and Hollywood “Wolf” Yates from American Gladiators. TMZ reports that Wolf had this to say about Kanye… “Hey this is Hollywood Yates or WOLF from American Gladiators. Just thought Kanye might want…

  • Do you like fishsticks?

    I was planning on writing a blog post about last night’s “Fishsticks” episode of South Park, but the ever-so-clever Michael K from DListed has beat me to the punch. Here’s a quick bite: The words “gay” and “fish” usually cancel each other out, but Matt & Trey made it work on South Park last night.…
