Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
The new trailer for Black Widow, the first film in phase four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is out now.
SPOILER-FREE REVIEW: If ‘Endgame’ is how this chapter of cinema history concludes, what a wonderful way to say goodbye.
Captain Marvel is here! And accompanying her are dudes complaining about feminism, social commentators applauding representation, and a multi-billion-dollar franchise that turned Disney into the overlord of entertainment. So, great conditions to enjoy a popcorn superhero movie, right?
‘Avengers: Infinity War’ is everything you want in an epic Marvel movie, plus a lot of awesome twists and turns you won’t expect. Check out our spoiler-free review here.
Believe it or not, Chris Hemsworth’s outrageously chiseled bod wasn’t my favorite part of Thor: The Dark World. While our titular hero was gorgeous and entertaining, this second entry in the stand-alone Thor movies (those of the non-Avengers variety) was dominated by none other than Tom Hiddleston as Thor’s charmingly villainous brother, Loki.
We’re back! Trashwire has made the annual pilgrimage to San Diego for Comic Con and we’re taking pictures, recording video, and posting all over Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Flickr. We’ve got costumed superheroes, a gallery of all the Batmobiles in cinematic history, a couple glimpses of the Twilight gang, the hottest werewolf in the biz and a…
Back in 2004, I wrote a Trashwire review of Spider-Man 2 under the pen name Dicky Cockerson At the time, Spider-Man 2 was the best Marvel movie to date, surpassing X2. Although Christopher Nolan‘s Batman trilogy is easily the best comic book adaptation in general, but when it came to Marvel movies, the Spider-Man movies…
No matter if you have attended San Diego Comic-Con or not, the impact of this mega convention has probably affected your life. Author Rob Salkowitz explains how so much of mainstream entertainment has seen the light of day thanks to the fans in attendance at the San Diego Comic-Con.
What do you get when you combine Hollywood’s most profitable superheroes in one film? You get action, effects, humor and fun. In other words, you get The Avengers. In case you’ve been living under a rock, or movies based on comic books are so not your thing, The Avengers are a team of heroes from…
Perhaps the most overused word when describing fans is “passionate”, but that is the best way to describe all those who attend the behemoth convention that is Comic-Con. Morgan Spurlock has taken on the task of telling the story of Comic-Con 2010 in the documentary Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope–not an easy feat due…