In 1941 Lon Chaney Jr. took on the iconic roll of the Wolf Man. In 2010 The...
Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant’s new film, Cemetery Junction, is coming out later this year and it...
The 2010 SXSW Film Festival will take place March 12-20 in the hipster capital of the U.S,...
It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Ricky Gervais. From the original version of The...
Youth in Revolt might not be in 3D, the cast might not be filled with the biggest...
I remember seeing Jurassic Park as a kid and feeling absolutely sure that it was the biggest...
Youth In Revolt Red Band Trailer – watch more funny videos Even though there’s been a bit...
There’s no doubt that J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek was one of the biggest movies of the summer....