Tagged: Music

Not exactly a music review

Not exactly a music review

There are two points I’d like to make in this article. I’ll get to the first one right away:  going to see your friend’s band is generally a bad idea. Friend’s bands are bad,...

Merry F&*#ing Christmas

Merry F&*#ing Christmas

Here’s Mr. Garrison singing a special Christmas song from one of my favorite episodes of South Park ever, Mr. Hankey’s Christmas Classics. Watch the entire episode at South Park Studios http://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/103599 More clips after...

Your Dad’s Rock and Roll

Your Dad’s Rock and Roll

With Thanksgiving just around the corner and everyone flocking back home to be with family, Trashwire brings you a new piece by Will Ables about bonding with his dad over The Boss, vodka on...

Loser: Literal Version

Loser: Literal Version

In the tradition of the amazing “Total Eclipse of the Heart video”, here’s a literal version of Beck’s “Loser” Loser: Literal Video Version – watch more funny videos