At a little over two hours, Amsertdam feels like trying to binge-watch a 10-episode miniseries in an...
Robert DeNiro
Take legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese and give him one of the strongest casts you could imagine—Robert De...
What if we viewed 'Joker' as just another R-rated comic book movie and not the cultural lightning...
A pair of aging boxing rivals are coaxed out of retirement to fight one final bout —...
If you come home to discover your wife in the shower with another man, don’t beat the...
Note: I write this top 10 list without seeing many of the films from 2010 that I...
Back in 2007 when Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino teamed up to release their films Planet Terror...
The release of Machete could not have been more perfectly timed. With the immigration debate reigning as...