Every year, movies and TV shows bring exclusive content to San Diego Comic Con to generate a...
Robert Rodriguez
Note: I write this top 10 list without seeing many of the films from 2010 that I...
It’s that time of year again! Time for every film blogger on the internet to put out...
Back in 2007 when Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino teamed up to release their films Planet Terror...
The release of Machete could not have been more perfectly timed. With the immigration debate reigning as...
The Predator franchise was slipping down the slope of ridiculousness and on it’s way to Mega Shark...
A special Cinco De Mayo message from Robert Rogriguez’s new film MACHETE In theaters Friday, September 3rd...
An exclusive preview of Predators, produced by Robert Rodriguez and directed by NimrĂ³d Antal, showed at the...