Every year, movies and TV shows bring exclusive content to San Diego Comic Con to generate a...
Trashwire is back at San Diego Comic Con for the fifth year in a row, and we...
This year’s San Diego Comic Con was a blast. From costumed fans to celebrity guests, the con...
With hundreds of panels and 130,000 attendees, San Diego Comic Con is arguably the biggest fan event...
Trashwire is in the hizzouse (yes, I realize how ridiculous and dated that sounds) for San Diego...
In celebration of the upcoming release of Oblivion on Blu-ray, here is a new image of a...
Not only did we spot our favorite wild card, Charlie Day, coming out of the Hard Rock,...
Check out our pics from Friday at San Diego Comic Con, including a few snaps of Gerard...
We’re back! Trashwire has made the annual pilgrimage to San Diego for Comic Con and we’re taking pictures, recording...
Perhaps the most overused word when describing fans is “passionate”, but that is the best way to...