Author: Chris Coffel

Owen and Abby meet on the jungle guy in Matt Reeves' Let Me In 0

Let Me In far exceeds expectations

When people heard director Matt Reeves was remaking Let The Right One In, the popular vampire movie from Sweden, there was an immediate uproar. People were afraid it would be Americanized and dumbed down....

Bloody Basin a killer short 0

Bloody Basin a killer short

It’s bad luck to kill a coyote. It’s really bad luck to kill a coyote if you’re a college kid trespassing on sacred Native American soil with three of your college buddies. This is...

Two Arizona guys review Machete 0

Two Arizona guys review Machete

Back in 2007 when Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino teamed up to release their films Planet Terror and Death Proof together as one package titled Grindhouse, they kept audience members entertained in between the...

Trailer: Fair Game 0

Trailer: Fair Game

Back in 2004 Joseph Wilson’s book The Politics of Truth was released. The book is a personal memoir about how Wilson claims to have evidence that Iraq was not trying to buy uranium from...

Inception is really is a dream 0

Inception is really is a dream

Acclaimed British director Christopher Nolan, of films such as The Dark Knight and Memento, is back again this summer with Inception. Inception takes viewers on a ride from dreams to reality to dreams to...