Was I right or what? A little while ago, I wrote a piece on here saying that most of these Hollywood starlets, like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Tara Reid, are attention whores who will do anything for the spotlight. In the article, which I wrote shortly after Anna Nicole Smith’s death and the impending media circus that followed, I said that, “I wouldn’t be surprised if right now Paris Hilton is trying to figure out how steal the spotlight from Anna Nicole Smith. Maybe she’s asking around and trying to see how she could overdose and die, but still watch herself on Entertainment Tonight.” While it might not be Paris who is seeking the coveted paparazzi lens, Britney Spears has shocked and horrified us all by shaving her head, getting weird tattoos, having a break down, and going to rehab. Take that, Anna-Nicole-legal-battle-controversy! Britney has just dealt a major blow to the biggest entertainment story and managed to get all the “reporters” on ET, E! News, and even Court TV to stop talking about Anna Nicole for a few hours and devote all their attention to her. It’s only a matter of time before Paris or Lindsay start setting themselves on fire in their own desperate plea for attention.