Patton Oswalt is funny. Very funny. We not only loved him in the new Reno 911! movie, but he also has a special place in our hearts for voicing our favorite Frat Aliens in Aqua Teen Hunger Force. After watching The Comedians of Comedy enough to know it by heart, we subscribed to Patton’s hilarious MySpace blog where he discusses everything from his tour dates to movie titles he owns like “The Murderer Who Cried Rape” and “Jailbait Jesus vs. The Coast Guard”. He even creates his own “mean celebrity gossip”, which recently included a shout out to The Room. Naturally, we just had to send him the Trashwire Survey. Check out his answers below and click over to his MySpace blog here for a daily dose of funny.
What is your favorite bad movie?
FEVER PITCH with Ryan O’Neal (1985)
What is the best line from a bad movie?
Any time Ryan O’Neal does that stacatto talking about gambling.
Who is your favorite bad movie star?
I don’t have one. Even so-called “bad movie stars” can be more entertaining than so-called “good movie stars”. Val Kilmer and Mickey Rourke always make amazing, original character choices.
What is your favorite trashy reality TV show?
I hate all reality TV.
Who is the funniest person alive?
Louis CK.
The first thing I’d do with a billion dollars is…?
Buy a Snickers bar.
If I was stranded on an island with one celebrity I’d chose…?
A very horny Kate Winslet.
If I could only hear one song for the rest of my life, I’d listen to…?
“Slow Death” by the Flaming Groovies
My best movie experience was…?
Watching an advance screening of RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD with a very talkative and funny audience.
When I was little, I always wanted to be a…?
Questionnaire answer-er.
Which one is better:
Coke or Pepsi?………. Coke
Chris Rock or Dave Chappelle?………. Tie
South Park or Family Guy?………. South Park
Mac or Windows?………. Mac
Movies or TV?………. Tie