Celebrity Jeopardy is back?

I had to absolutely blog about celebrity jeopardy. Not only was it made iconic by Saturday Night Live and Will Ferrell, but it can be very entertaining.

(Props to irishred1784)

The players for today’s episode are James Denton who plays the plumber from Desperate Housewives, Neil Patrick Harris-NPH! From Harold and Kumar fame and his role as Barney in How I Met Your Mother also, Doogie Houser M.D. The third player is some lady named Bebe from Frasier (Surprisingly I Hate Frasier and Her)

The easiest questions in the world were chosen. When you have actors and ask about Broadway regardless of gay or straight, they will get all the answers right. James Denton was obviously holding back. Bebe is fucking annoying and tries to talk to much, she is not a good actress because it was obvious she was playing dumb.

It’s obvious that Alex Trebeck and or the writers where trying to flirt or something with NPH due to categories like Neil! Patrick! Harris! and a spoof about How I Met Your Mother. In all, it was not entertaining whatsoever even when Trebeck talks to the stars. Neil just knows a lot of pop culture and James Denton still appears to have a boring life and surprisingly knows some history. Although, he is a geezer so that was probably a given. So every question was easy and the final Jeopardy round was some what entertaining all thanks to NPH.

(guess)arrow                                                                          (guess)arrow      (guess) arrow

I wish they could have mixed up the stars or something, it seems there is a formula which contains an extremely straight guy, an annoying bitch, and a gay person (examine the pictures). This would be my guest list for an episode of Celebrity Jeopardy following their formula:

-Heath Ledger

-Pamela Anderson

-Jake Gyllenhall

Oh wait, that’s two in the same category, replace Heath Ledger for Ryan Seacrest, that will abide by their formula right?

Next week will be no name celebrities and it will be just another formula driven group of players. This is disappointing and it is not entertaining, I thought don’t watch Celebrity Jeopardy, just watch it on SNL! For the rest of the players check below and above, I am actually excited about Martin Short, Regis, maybe I’ll watch but look what I mean about the formula. I hate Paul Shaffer he is so annoying as depicted in family guy:


For more information you can go to my personal blog: Realm of the Modern Ãœber Geek

*Note: The use of sexual orientation is used to prove a formula used for celebrity jeopardy.

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  1. Alexis Avatar

    Nancy Grace and NPH in the same room?! This might be too good to be true.