20 thoughts on “Was ‘Cloverfield’ shot with Britney-cam?

  1. i enjoyed it. it’s a real cool movie. a nice personal/human slice of story in the grand scheme of a monster attack.

    it’s a little weak in character and plot, relying heavily on the gimmick of the ‘home video’ camera work, but still, way cool.

    :: efrain

  2. I like what Peter Travers said about it

    Now that the fanboy hype has cleared, we can see Cloverfield for what it is: borrowed inspiration, trite screenwriting and amateurish acting all in the service of a ballsy idea.

  3. I actually thought this was a great movie. Although this movie had a few errors here and there, this is a movie that i would go back and see again.=)

  4. I agree that it was a good concept, but it just didn’t pay off in the way I was hoping. I was expecting to just love this movie, but I ended up being very disappointed when it let me down in almost every way.


    How come they had to show black people stealing stuff? I mean come on! I dont think there was any looting in 9/11 and NONE did anything during the blackout a few years ago. And THAT was the perfect time to steal stuff.

  6. I actually did see the splash at the end. There are some clips on YouTube, but you can’t see it because it’s too low quality. I barely noticed it on the big scree. Also, everyone’s saying at the end of the credits you hear Rob say “It’s still alive” or something like that.

    I’m sure these little things will get people to see it again and it’ll keep going strong at the box office.

    I bet it would be ok on DVD, but I can’t physically stomach seeing this another time in a theater.

  7. This movie was the stupidest piece of shit that has ever been made. They keep trying to act like people loved it but everyone I’ve ever talked to says its ubertarded and the writing’s not good and the acting is bad too.

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