If you’ve read this site for any lengthy period of time, you know that I like My Chemical Romance. Their shows are amazing, their music is original and powerful, and their sincerity when interacting with fans is refreshing to see. Since I am of the “support your dudes” philosophy, I rushed to check out lead singer Gerard Way’s comic, The Umbrella Academy. When I heard Gerard would be speaking at a Dark Horse panel at this year’s Comic Con, I knew I had to attend, and, wouldn’t you know, it was also on my birthday.
We got these pics of Gerard on the panel talking about the past, present and future of Dark Horse Comics.
You’re probably thinking, “Alexis, why didn’t you just put these pics in with the Comic Con Day 2 photo gallery?” The answer is that these are in a special section to make them easier for my fellow My Chemical Romance fans to find.
Gerard’s introduction:
Original and Powerful? I went to Projekt Rev in 2007 and I will say that they suck live, Gerard Way can’t even sing live, he sounded like a woman. The music also isn’t original. Most, if not all, the music to Black Parade were all music owned by other songs and or bands. House of Wolves stole their opening riff from House of Blues. Mama from Italian folk music. The End from a primary song. Welcome to the Black Parade sounds like a Queen rip off. So don’t tell me their music is original when they couldn’t even come up with a single riff on their own.
Alexis , I loveeeee youuu , thanks for the pics ^^
Dear Reality Check,
I think you need to understand the difference between being influenced by things and stealing from them. ^^
I always connected with MCR’s music more than that of any other band – it spoke to me, and I love their concepts, and that matters more than anything in my mind. Also, I have always loved Gerard’s voice.
I’m happy for him that he’s being able to write a comic and have his crazy artistic talents recognized. 🙂 He looks happy and healthy here at Comic Con. I’m glad for him. 🙂
To Reality Check,
Here’s the thing: every artist steals from another. Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Pink Floyd, AC/DC. I could go on. You show me a successful band and I’ll show you plagarism. Don’t be sore a band you don’t like has gotten famous.
ooooh…..my GOD…..thanks,…….palz…..i was really shocked….to see gee again…..im so excited to see their new album……and all the things about MCR rockzz…….tnx…
Everyone’s got an opinion about music. I personally really like My Chemical Romance, but if you don’t that’s cool. I’ve been to two of their concerts and the entire experience was outstanding. I think Gerard’s got such natural charisma that he can really command an audience and I think all the guys are skilled musicians, so they can make music that, while borrowing from other songs, is original. If you don’t like them then “that’s just, like, your opinion man.” to quote The Big Lebowski.